This is the first post for the Parson & Drum Attorneys, LLC blog! Thanks for stopping by.
As our first post, we are pleased to announce that a piece of legislation, partly authored by me, has been signed into law by Governor Baldacci! Here is the news story:
From MPBN: "Baldacci Signs Bill Encouraging Locally-Produced Green Power - 6/24/09 4:27 PM EST
Gov. John Baldacci today ceremonially signed legislation aimed at encouraging more Maine-generated renewable power projects. LD 1075 establishes a six-year pilot program to test incentives for individuals and communities to generate renewable power.
"This bill expands our commitment to end our dependency on fossil fuels," Baldacci said at the signing ceremony in his State House office. He said the program would help the state assess the potential of small-scale, renewable power generation that can be fed into the grid.
Under the new law, homeowners and businesses can opt to buy all of their energy from Maine-generated renewable power sources. It also encourages the state to purchase power from such sources. The pilot project will be administered by Maine's Public Utilities Commission."
While today's signing was a happy occassion, our efforts toward renewable energy must be expanded. We will continue to press this matter in Augusta until Maine can declare that it is a 100% renewable electricity state.
This is also an opportunity to thank the people that worked so hard on this bill. Representatives Herb Adams and Bruce MacDonald (the sponsors of two bills that were merged into 1075), Senator Hobbins, Speaker Pingree, Representative Sean Flaherty, Representatieve Ken Fletcher, Representative Piotti, Representative David Van Wie, Representative Seth Berry, Paul Kando (Midcoast Green Collaborative), Diane Messer, Sue Johnson, Dick Davies, Eleanor Kinney, Topher Belknap, Kale Inoue, Naoto Inoue, Bob Hardina, Norman Reef, Jed Rathband, Stacy Mitchell, Dylan Voorhees, the other Members of the Midcoast Green Collaborative, and all of the folks that I forgot!
This is also a proud day since this was both our firm's first legislative effort and first legislative success! We are batting 1,000!